So...I varied the colors in the hills. I added a bit of white rice paper to the sky where some of the canvas/board was showing through just to keep the textured effect. I did the post and I think it's done. And I began gathering dark papers for the crow - reds and greens and blacks and...have to get in some dark blues, too and purples...
Still more work to do and maybe some more layering of the green hills - that single green color needs more breaking up with bits of something else - blue-greens, darker greens toward the bottom, etc. Maybe I'll do that while gathering the darks for the crow.
Again, this is very enjoyable - my only nitpick is all the "glue" I end up with on my fingertips from holding the pieces while gluing the backs of them. But that's a small thing and it won't deter me from doing it (putting on Gloves in a Bottle hand cream before starting seemed to help - I didn't have as much sticky dried glue on my fingers as last time).