Saturday, February 28, 2009
Happy Birthday to You...
No painting for me today - took the granddaughters to the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus today - their first one. Photos later, after I've had a nap :) ha ha
Friday, February 27, 2009
Am I Blue - putting in some darks
Am I Blue? - a little bit more work

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Am I Blue? - next stage

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Changed the Blogroll
P.S. I am feeling much better. But I'm hungry and trying to do anything to keep from digging into the candy drawer. That's right, I have a WHOLE DRAWER full of candy in my kitchen - must get rid of that - do cat's like candy? I have a cat that might like a bit of chocolate...just kidding, I know chocolate is toxic to cats and I would never do anything to hurt my widdle biddy old fat cat Smudge, no sir, no ma'am, not even if he DID do his business right on the carpet downstairs and NOT in the litterbox -, kitty kitty....
Migraines and Other Alarms
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Am I Blue?

Saturday, February 21, 2009
The SWAP Painting I Sent

Thursday, February 19, 2009
My SWAP Painting from Vicki

It was beautifully double matted and wrapped and had a lot of bubble wrap around it for protection in the mail - and was in a mailing box to protect it. I am so glad it was protected this well because it is a jewel of a painting. So beautiful! So well painted! And it looks surprisingly like the painting Vicki had as her January give-away which I raved about?
Plus, I got a card from Vicki included that is a print of one of her paintings - I feel like I got 2 paintings!! Love this manatee painting - wonderful shapes and colors in the water :)

Better Color on the Swamp Gators
So I tried again, using different white balance settings, and then tweaked the color a bit in my photo program to get it as close as I can - it's still not right on but closer.

Flipped: To Burn Without Being Consumed

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What I Did in Class...

My Valentine Gators turned into Swampy Gators and Sandy helped me get the hard edges away from the whites so they weren't so annoying. (When I wasn't liking where they were going, I took some watered down white gesso and, misketing over the gator bodies, I poured the gesso over everything else, letting it run and do it's thing.)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Shaker Village Still Life - next step
Sunday, February 15, 2009
To Burn Without Being Consumed - next step
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My Valentine to Six More Bloggers

I am sending the little award to:
Vicki of Garden of Weeden - and no, I'm not sending this so I'll win her giveaway this month (but it couldn't hurt, right? ha ha)
Angela, whose paintings are so light and airy and lovely.
Joan, who is living in one of my favorite places and is creating wonderful traditional and not-so-traditional but exception work in a variety of mediums.
Brent, who is a new favorite who paints scenes I'd love to paint of places I love.
Myrna, who is always coming up with something new and exciting. Besides that, she rocks!
Ok, one more - it's very hard to choose. I know some people don't do the award thing - don't want one and don't want to pass one on. I can understand that. It does take time and effort to choose and notify and get all the ducks in a row (and no, these artists I've chosen are NOT ducks - they are all beautiful watercolor swans or proud peacocks :)
Cathy G, of A Sketch in Time, a new favorite blog of mine. Her sketching and painting is wonderful and I love that she lives and works in South Africa. I picture her in the midst of all those warm colors, just soaking it up.
That's it. I hope I haven't duplicated anyone who has already received one. And if you don't want to participate, that's okay, too. Just wanted you to know that I xo your art blog!
All you have to do to pass on the award is 1) list 7 things you love and 2) send it on to 7 blogs you love.
Happy Valentine's Day!
The Best Valentines so Far...
Will You Be My...
Friday, February 13, 2009
February Moley Doodle
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Poured and Painted

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
From Bonnie + Linda

In My Mailbox - from Suzanne!

She also sent a cd of her own work - music and words!!! How cool is that??? The generosity of artists I have found on blogs has just been incredible! And because of this, I am giving Suzanne this little award today...

I definitely X O your art blog - for the art and for the friendship, too. And all you have to do is accept - no strings attached :) Unless you want to pass it on to someone.
I'm off to listen to your music now, Suzanne. And thank you so much - it is so appreciated today when I am having a "What did I do to deserve this?" kind of day!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Little Award Passed On

This little award came to me through Gina Hall and her blog. She paints in watercolors and she does resin horses and airbrushes them with color. Her love for animals shows in her work. I don't remember how many doggies she has sharing her space with her...
I am supposed to accept, and then state 7 things I love. Easy, right?
I love - rich, creamy chocolate cream pie.
I love - my husband (should I be worried that this came to mind second and not first? - no, it is because I was just over to Deb's baking blog and her chocolate pudding made me want some!!!)
I love - my sister
I love - my painting friends - online and those In Real Life :)
I love the first signs of spring coming after a hard winter.
I love autumn colors and smells and sunshine through orange and red trees.
One more...
I love painting!!!
That should do it. Now I have to pass it on but will have to check to make sure I don't repeat the same ones Gina had...
Thanks, Gina. Glad you thought of me. And this was an easy one. No secrets or anything - just positive thoughts..
Monday, February 9, 2009
Muted Colors - Drybrush
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Blog Rolling...
I always wonder if someone I've always checked on stops posting for weeks at a time and hope they are just off somewhere enjoying life. But after a month or so, I do drop them from the roll (afterall, I have so many!!!)
Hope if you have time on your hands, you'll check out the people listed - I have watercolorists, acrylic and oil painters, photographers and even bakers!
Do I have too many? Should I limit it to a good dozen or a lucky thirteen and let the others go?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Florida Gator Color Studies - As Is
I think I now have more darks than I wanted, compared to the photo but again, this is just a warm-up and color study to see how I want to proceed with the poured painting to come.
Misket and Color Pours So Far

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First the misket pour, then the yellow pour, then the blue pour. The red pour will be next.
This is still the 1/4 sheet crescent board with hotpress paper on it.
And this is the color study (just a 9 x 11 piece of Arches rough from a block I was given by my friend, Jane W.).
This is for my Yahoo color group - the idea is to paint using your choice of complementary colors (red + green, blue + orange, or yellow + violet) in the focal area and gray out the edges also using complements to gray things (I washed Quin Red over the background to push back the vibrancy of the greens there).
What do you think? Good choice of violet and yellow?
Photos of the Ice and Snow - by Jerry

The sparkles are lovely, and they're blindingly bright. I'd like them much better if they were diamonds, not ice!
(All photos by Jerry H. Carpenter)
When the sun comes out after a winter storm, the shadows steal the show!
(Well, if Blogger wasn't giving me fits trying to upload just a few photos today, there would have been more. But enjoy these...)
Here We Go - More Snow!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Class Canceled due to WINTER
So - time to practice and study and learn even if I'm not in class.
Here are a couple of great quotes from Tony Couch:
"The artist that improves is one who is interested in improving. He or she does the things, spends the time, and goes through whatever toil is required to learn, while the less interested artist skips over it."
Also, he has a formula for this:
W x T = I
(W - more Work;
T - more Time spent working;
I - faster Improvement)
So does that mean it's going to be easy? Apparently not! Mr. Couch also says, "While you practice, keep in mind that watercolor painters are divided into two groups: those who have been discouraged and those who are going to be discouraged. There's nothing wrong with discouragement; it's part of the game. The crime lies in quitting because of it."
Now go paint or study those brushes!
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Last Moley Doodle?