Saturday, April 20, 2024


 Two more from the Sktchy challenge of 30 faces in 30 days…I have decided that I really need to give myself 60 days to do this and will just do these as I feel like I can do them, without the struggle so much in the past few days.  Afterall, this is supposed to be a learning experience but also not a stressful one!


laura said...

You have a real feeling for portraiture! Each one is so sensitive

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Echoing what Laura has said...both of these are beautiful. I wonder if the models get to see what everyone has done with their likeness and what they think. I'm sure they would love these.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Rhonda I think your portraits are so good. You have really captured the expressions in the eyes. Great job. Hope you are staying safe in the storms. Our southern part of the state have had several tornados and thought you might have had some in Kentucky. Whew this has been a spring of ups and downs. Had frost this morning...hope the fruit trees don't get hurt. Well take care friend - thanks for the visits and letting me know it is you. Hugs!

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Laura, Lisa and Debbie :). I can do some of these and then can’t do any for a while…could be time for a break but also time to think about what I want to do. After years of painting I should have picked a subject or subjects or style to paint! Ha ha
Lisa, I think, if you upload the paintings to the Museum app, they may see them. Laura, maybe I’m struggling to show through my own style while trying to copy another instructor? Could be.
Debbie, happy spring!! We have up and down days with weather/temperature! I’m sure you do, too.