Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I did such a lousy job on the first painting (although the background drape was nicely done) for the class, I had to start over.  Not sure this one is any better!

The composition bothers me and I should have taken more time with that.  I will make the bowl of sugar darker and I see where the bottoms of everything look off - elipticals take more precision than I used on this one.

This one isn't finished.  It needs more darks to bring out the shapes of the objects.  (I may just cut out more of that bowl - don't like it.

I used Mineral Violet (Holbein) for the background (with a touch of cerulean),  and pure Mineral Violet for the foreground.


http://carolking.wordpress.com said...

Hi Rhonda, this is a very interesting composition with everything happening at the bottom of the paper. I don't mind ellipticals that are off. and I really like your striped background billowing into a purple/cerulean haze!

Great colors in the crockery.

laura said...

Love the Mineral Violet ... and all the other strong, uncomplicated colors ...
Those blasted ellipticals--I can never get one right; had to just stop caring about them! I don't think Matisse could ellipticals either!

Autumn Leaves said...

Rather cool composition, Rhonda!

Caroline Simmill said...

Hi Rhonda, a fresh looking watercolor which is not easy to achieve. I like those washes on the crockery nice clean colors. You have done well.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Carol, Laura, Sherry and Caroline. You are making me think that maybe this isn't as bad as I think it is!!