Now - that's 3! I'm in an Olympic spirit and I'm going to try to get as many as I can of this award. So if you get it, pass it on to me! haha We'll see how many I can accumulate - without having to ski downhill or do a triple lutz!!
And I will pass it on to 12 of my all time favorite, sharing, creative, wonderful blogger artist friends. Anyone whose work touches me - makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes me weep at the beauty of their work, I'm going to send it to you so...please go to these blogs and check out their work - you will NOT be disappointed and you might just fall in love with their work, their words, their wisdom and their open, sharing minds:
Of course, I'm paying it back to:

so 9 more...
Easy as pie - hard to just choose 12!
Sending it on to:

4.Mary Beth of The Common Denominator
5.Katharine of Katherine A. Cartwright Studio (and creator of The Twenty Minute Challenge blog)
6.Elizabeth of Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson's Paper Paintings
7.Deb of Deb Ward Art
8.Teresa of Lost in Wonder
9. Deb Leger
10.Dawn of Vulture Cafe
11. Jeanette of Illustrated Life
12. Gillian of The Fading Rose
13. Myrna of Creativity Journey
Originally, each recipient was supposed to send this to 12 more bloggers deserving the sunshine (we can all use it, right - well, my friend in Brazil says she's had enough sun and heat for now but everyone else could use a bit), but I bent the rules a bit, sending it to a lucky 13 (or a baker's dozen, however you want to look at it). It was hard to stop at 13 - any artist on my sidebar is a gold winner to me.
Some of these bloggers are friends, some I've known for years, some I've just become acquainted with through their blogs and have come to look forward to seeing what they post every day or so. Some are so sharing of their talent and skill and knowledge, it's amazing. Some paint or photograph beautifully but find themselves doubting their talent at times - we've all been there! So take a moment to visit these wonderful artists. Drop them a comment if something they have created and shared moves you. Every one of us could use a sunshine award - something to tuck away for those dreary, cold, winter days that keep hanging on. And remember, I'm collecting them - so if you get one, send me one in my race for the most gold! ha ha I'm going for at least 5...or maybe 7...how many medals did Apolo Ono get? At least that many - but I'm not wearing that racing suit and helmet - I'd look like a dork (how come he looks so good in it? - oh, yeah, he's young and cute!)
thank you for the sunshine award Rhonda, cant have to much sunshine in the PNW!
love what you have done with your crows. very nice!
Thanks for the award, Rhonda. Don't know how you will look with all these awards around your neck, but I agree - Apollo looks GOOOOOD! with his!!!
Thanks for the payback ROFL. I truly do appreciate it. :)
Yes, Dawn, I bet you can always use some sunshine :)
Deb, I'm gonna look awesome! haha
Ann, it's funny how these things go around and someone always picks some of my faves - so I'm just gonna double dip this time!
Thanks for the award Rhonda, hey how many did you say you're aiming for? do you want to handmade spring around your house before it actually arrives? ok, let's do it!
Thank you Rhonda - I really appreciate the sunshine award - could certainly use some. Hugs. x
Teresa, so far I've gotten 2 more from those blogs who give them to everyone on their blogroll (and I happen to be on those blogrolls so I'm accepting them). That makes 5 but Apolo has 8 - wahh wahh wahhh! Maybe if I wear a headband and collage on a soul patch, I'll get more?? hee hee
Oops, just saw your send-back, Teresa, so that's one more - catching up to Apolo's 8! haha
Well Rhonda, thank you SO MUCH for the award, I can always use some sunshine! since it's so cold here right now, I'll take the sunshine! I so much appreciate your picking me as one of your six! thank you thank you thank you!
Awe, you are too sweet. And yeah, we do need sunshine here in STL - the award must be working cause we are getting some today, yippee!!!
You are all welcome - glad you got your gold, Mary Beth (are you back from Florida now?).
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