Wednesday, May 18, 2011


It's not the image I'm after,
but the feeling.

More work to do on the eyes and nose before it's finished.


Gillian Mowbray said...

I find your work fascinating. Brave of you to explore new ways with a self portrait too. This looks quite dreamlike. x

Carol Blackburn said...

Hi Rhonda, it looks like you are looking in a mirror, a reflective moment. Look forward to seeing your progress.

laura said...

I love the silky wateriness of the portrait at this stage. and your wonderful flyaway hair!!

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Gillian, Carol and Laura, for your comments on this one. Still a bit more to do before I'll consider it finished. Carol, I like the idea of looking in a mirror - perhaps a future painting?

Jane said...

There is something about you already, looking forward to see more.

Cathy Gatland said...

An intriguing self portrait Rhonda, I like how the figure is emerging from veils of colour and wonder about the lines dividing her...

Pam Johnson Brickell said...

I'm liking this concept a lot. Especially the addition of the streaks. Lots of commentary on this piece! Looking forward to seeing the outcome.

Caroline Simmill said...

It looks very ethereal Rhonda, I hope you find the time to do some more work on it to show us.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks so much, Jane, Cathy, Pam and Caroline, for your comments! It's interesting to see what others think - it's obvious that I'm trying to say something but working my way from the outside in, I think. Hope I figure it out and I get more completed works soon.

Unknown said...

Ah, I love that sentiment. Its not the image, but the feeling. You are such an amazing artist!

RH Carpenter said...

Thank you, Katherine. I appreciate that comment so much. One doesn't really feel like an artist until others see them that way (at least, that's my thought on it).