Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Color Swatches

While I was waiting for parts of the umbrella painting to dry, I did some color swatches in my Daniel Smith watercolors. I have a set of cools and a set of warms. Now I just need to figure out which ones want to be best friends :) and get them paired up to do some Carol Carter style painting.

Two of the painters in class Tuesday didn't do the fluid acrylic batik painting and worked instead on CC watercolors. I want to do both but need to finish up the acrylic paintings first before moving on, I think. I've started the gum nuts painting - lots of greens and I only have a few colors of the fluid acrylics but am going to add acrylic matte medium to some watercolors (mixed separately from my watercolors) to turn them into acrylic paints and work with them - I especially need a nice violet for those gum nuts! When it's dry, I'll get a photo to share here of where I am with it.


Vicki Greene said...

OK, I have tried and can't figure it out so I will show my inexperience. What are the holes for in the color swatches? Inquiring minds want to know.

RH Carpenter said...

LOL! Vicki, I punched holes in them so I can lay one on top of another and get a real feel for how the colors work together - don't know why but I did that - plus now I can string them into a colorful necklace :) (just kidding!)

Vicki Greene said...

You could start a new fashion trend!

RH Carpenter said...

You're right, Vicki. I could glaze these with matte medium to seal them, cut them a bit smaller and then string them for a pretty necklace for artists who want to have their palette choices handy! ha ha