Sunday, March 9, 2008

Framed Pots Painting Started

Jerry got out today so the roads must be okay. Sun shining but still a lot of snow out there that isn't going anywhere anytime soon. So much for Springing Forward today (Daylight Savings Time).

I have begun the Framed Pots painting - I'm working under the guidelines of
1) Line and 2) Frame in Frame and 3) Undersea Green
and I'm trying to do this in a drybrush technique so it will be slow going...

1 comment:

Melanie said...

ugh! best of luck drybrushing - i stink at it!

I like it so far!

I am SOOOO happy I am not where you are - i like snow, but good grief... I would flip out with that much snow this time of year.

PS -I love your birds too - lovely!